Australia Economy Flight

With a long distance to travel, an Australia economy flight is tiring. Plus there's the jet lag. Choosing a better seat may be worth the money.

Business fares can be two or three times more expensive, sometimes even more. But the service is so much better and flight attendants are there for you all the way. After all there are not that many business seats on the airplane.

So what fare to choose?

It all depends on your funds and what you want to do with them.

If you are looking for cheap airfares and want to save to be able to do more when you get "Down Under", then fly economy. But expect narrow seats that don't recline very much and little leg room.

Economy Seats

Your best option is an aisle seat. You will be able to get up and stretch. But the big planes can have up to 5 seats in a row, so if you get a middle one you will have to ask 2 persons to let you out. Imagine if they sleep - they won't be happy.

If you can choose your seats for free when you book, make sure to check the seating plan and take the offer.

But airlines are finding innovative ways to advertise a lower price and then charge you more for frills.

And opting for a seat early is now considered a frill. If you have stopovers and change planes, you may have to pay extra for the seat chosen for each leg of your trip.

Otherwise try to be at the check-in early, before the best places are allocated. It is really up to the person at the counter to help you.

Continue reading here: Australia Work Visa - Skilled Independent Migrant (175)

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